Redesign an online identity landing page for a private law enforcement firm in Chino Hills, Calif. that specializes in active shooting training and safety education for schools, daycare centers, churches, offices, restaurants, grocery stores and other businesses across California.
Prior to collaborating with MJM Designz, the law enforcement firm had an outdated website, little brand identity and limited digital presence.
MJM Designz created original content for specific sections of the website to highlight the services offered for active shooter training. We created a unique color scheme to represent the business branding, which boosted brand awareness. Being responsive to the client’s requests, we created one online booking appointment form located in the middle of the parallex landing page, sticky header navigation, a learning section for customers to understand the active shooter training course, along with a map page highlighting locations where law enforcement veterans employed by the firm teach courses.
MJM Designz built a custom web landing page that is responsive to mobile traffic and follows Google's algorithm best practices. Before development, we designed two distinctly different mockup web design layouts before going into the web development stage. Once the client approved, we developed a parallax one-page scroll landing page with detailed areas of information of the services offered. We focused on a design that allowed for easier navigation when using mobile devices and desktop browsers. We then developed an appointment form with a dropdown menu with locations that allowed users to select convenient locations in Chino Hills and across Southern California. MJM Designz integrated Google fonts, along with using Font Awesome for new icons and Abode Photoshop for all imagery living in all sections of the new website. Once development was complete, we optimized the SEO, and added meta properties in the header of the landing page to increase online traffic.